Watson, Why?
To build awareness for Watson, a cognitive computer from IBM, we brought him to PAX East where he will go head to head with pro gamers. After the games kids can ask Watson "why" he made strategy choices.

IBM Watson
Effie Awards Semi-Finalist 2017
Memorization and test scores are replacing
a real understanding of subjects taught in school.
So we created Watson,Why?, a campaign that spans
Snapchat,YouTube,Twitch,and schools across the country
to promote curiosity and understanding over memorization.
The result?
Watson. Understood.

Watson takes on YouTube Let's Play superstars and Twitch Pro players at Pax East.

The line up that Watson will play against gamers at Pax East. We will stream the action live on Twitch and YouTube!
Gina Abbatiello Art Direction
Priscilla McGann Post Production
Jennifer Fiorini Copy
Karen Wong UX